Top Selling Privacy Filter Brand
Kensington® was the top selling privacy filter brand in the US retail channel between September 2022 and May 2024.*
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Kensington® was the top selling privacy filter brand in the US retail channel between September 2022 and May 2024.*
Narrows the field of vision on the monitor to +/- 30 degrees, helping you keep the information on your screen private, which is important when you’re viewing confidential or sensitive information at your desktop
Installs on the top of your flat-panel monitor, with adjustable springs so it can be extended to the edges for easy mounting
Filters harmful rays by up to 30%, which is helpful as blue light has been shown to interrupt sleep patterns and even cause retinal damage
Special film coating prevents mildew and bacteria growth, which can cause stains and odors on the film.
A resilient, scratch-resistant surface* that can withstand contact with something as hard as a 2H-grade lead pencil, ensuring increased durability and protection.
Using this product can help mitigate the risk to your organization in terms of confidentiality, integrity and availability of data and can help meet Annex A 7.7 and 8.11 controls